Why smell?

I imagine that this blog is more for me than it is for anyone. Writing is my passion, and this is an outlet. However, I understand that life is not limited to my experience only. The things that God brings me through, the situations He steers me around, the choices that He helps me make, and the ways in which He makes me grow, are all events that may help a fellow Christian.

So I hope that this blog is a help to you. I hope it encourages you. I hope it challenges you. I hope it blesses you. I hope it makes you laugh and think. Mostly, I hope that it helps you on your journey towards Christ-likeness.

In my failures may you find warnings; in my successes, helps; in my pain, empathy; in my joys, happiness; in my journey, a companion.

God bless...

may we all have the smell of excellence...the smell of Christ.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hollow Cycle

Crumble to pieces and completely fall apart: over the same rock broken again and again.
Gasping for life, choking on death, frantic for rescue, but failure’s the current…strong, relentless.
Thrown upon the shore: battered, frightened, disillusioned, remorseful, ashamed, but resolute.
Strength to stand is gathered; strength to move is gradually coming. Must move forward, away.
Danger falls with the tide and shadow is cast over the memory of the very real danger.
Giant rocks appear above the surface…knowing their location allows for distance and security.
The beach is a beautiful place, so warm and inviting. The sunrise is awesome; paralyzing.
The strength to move becomes a desire to stay and dwell in this calm, serene and safe glory.
Tides are rising…already the jagged rocks are disappearing, waves breaking against them.
Water touches the feet, but the scenery and comfort are captivating.
Crumble to pieces and completely fall apart, over the same rock broken again and again.
Gasping for life, choking on death, frantic for rescue, but failure is the current…strong, relentless.
Thrown upon the shore: battered, frightened, disillusioned, remorseful, ashamed…
With a new resolve to stand and then to move…move forward…away.
But danger falls with the tide and shadow is cast over the memory of very real danger.
And we stay, and we fail.

*Analogy of temptation, and then sin. The cycle that we often find ourselves in. Sometimes we never learn. God help us.

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